Sunday, October 29, 2006


Via NeoGAF's Johan van Benderschlotten:

"It's ok that you people have bad taste in music. The world requires lots of you to go around and perpetuate the shitty dynamic that the RIAA covets. Feel good about yourselves and pat your collective back tonight."

Monday, October 02, 2006

Oh, So That's What He's Saying

Part of the joy of buying the new Decemberists album after listening to the leak for a month is finding out what Mr. Meloy is actually saying.  Like, finding out that your favorite song is actually about a rape.

Come and see!

Dear Amazon

Dear Amazon,

Do you understand what the word "shipped" actually means?  See, I don't think you do.  Apparently, when you say "shipped", you actually meant "I told the mail carrier to pick up a package".  That doesn't not mean shipped.  Shipped is the past tense of ship, and to ship means the package has moved away from the warehouse.  Shipped means the fracking package has made its fracking way out the door and is on it's merry way to my doorstep.  By definition, a package cannot have shipped and at the same time still be sitting on a dock somewhere waiting for the mail truck.  It's one or the other.

At the same time, don't tell me a package has shipped 30 seconds after I ordered if if I ordered it at 9:00PM on a Saturday night.  Then I know you're lying immediately.  At least allow me to enjoy the illusion that my package has actually shipped.