"...What did this woman ever do to us? What did she do to you? Are you so desirous of being able to kill your spouse one day that you want this to set a precedent? Help me out here. Could it be -- and I suspect this is the real answer -- could it be that you have been so pent up with rage and frustration over the Christians in this country? You just hated the success of The Passion of the Christ. You hated the outpouring of support for that movie, you just despise the red state, hayseed, holy roller crowd that you think is steamrollering the country.
Maybe this is just payback; you want this woman to die because Christian conservatives want her to live, and since you don't like Christian conservatives so much you want them to be disappointed. You want them to find out what it's like to be on the losing side. You want them to find out what it's like to not get away with everything they want just because they're Christians. Is that it? Does it really have nothing to do with Terri Schiavo, does it have solely to do with the fact that you want payback? You're so excited for the Christian conservatives to lose that even if it requires the death of this woman, you'll take it? If that's true, if that's the case, if I have nailed it, and as I say, my liberal friends, I'm on this, I'm on it like white on rice, cold on ice, dots on dice, drugs on Miami Vice."
That, my friends, is just insane. Not that I expect Rush Limbaugh to be sane, but that is just sad.
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