Sunday, October 31, 2004

Stolen Honor

***Originally Posted to Modern Politics and You***

I was flipping channels today, and what do I see but an extended ad for "Stolen Honor", the anti-Kerry documentary. Told by the lumberjacks that were really there, it tells the story of Jane Fonda and Ho Chi Min's love child, the viscious giant John Kerry. Kerry grew up to be big and strong, and one day, with his big ax and his ox named Blue, he singlehandedly sabotaged the Vietnam War. Years later, he would run for president against Jesus Chr^H^H^H^H^H^H^HGeorge W. Bush. All the whole during this ad, there was a giant banner at the bottom of the screen to go to NewsMax to buy the full video...You know, as a keepsake, for the children.

It would seem that in this day of miracle and wonder, modern politics has created a new art form, the shitty political film. Spurred on by Michael Moore's Triumph of the Wi^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Fahrenheit 9/11, now it seems like everyone with political diahreha has the sudden urge to become a filmmaker ("I really want to direct!"). Something tells me this is a bad trend.

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