Friday, October 14, 2005

Jack Shafer is the Man

Jack Shafer, editor-at-large and media critic at Slate captures one moment of perfect beauty:

I don't hate Apple. I don't even hate Apple-lovers. I do, however, possess deep odium for the legions of Apple polishers in the press corps who salute every shiny gadget the company parades through downtown Cupertino
as if they were members of the Supreme Soviet viewing the latest ICBMs at the May Day parade.

YES. Oh how I covet this paragraph and wish I had wrote it. This is like that moment when you finally see the arrow in the FedEx logo; the moment of clarity and understanding. "Deep odium" perfectly describes what I feel. It's as if a haze has lifted and I can finally describe what I see. Thank you Mr. Shafer, for this moment of clarity.

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