Thursday, March 31, 2005
Horowitz Update
I shall do a full write up on the Horowitz talk soon (presumably tomorrow). Hopefully the BGNews has something too...Let me just say the whole thing was quite a circus and undoubtedly embarressing for all of the conservatives/liberals/communists/unicorns/etc in attendance.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Spring Has Arrived
It's currently an absolutely beautiful 74 degress here in Bowling Green...I have Aaron Copland's Appalachian Spring, Section 7 (aka, the part everyone knows) going at full blast...Life is good. Let's hope the weather holds out and we don't get a relapse of winter...The prospect of the upcoming "springing ahead" combining with great weather makes me tingle with joy. Imagine great weather and the sunlight to enjoy it.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Discover the Douchebaggery: Live!
David Motherfucking Horowitz is coming to BGSU tomorrow night, where he will undoubtedly burst forth with vile hatered for liberals, professors, Unicorns, and anything else that might still be right with our society. I am actually planning on attending, since Satan probably won't be touring for awhile and Stalin is all sold out...
In all actuality, this is the first time that I have a chance to see someone speak that is regularly discussed in the parts of the blogosophere that I read, and that's why I want to go. The blogosphere too often has an otherworldly quality to it and I'd like to see something physical of it, even if it is a douchebag.
Not surprisingly, this visit and that of the political diahreha spewer behind "Michael Moore Hates America" to BGSU coincide with "Rainbow Dayz", the week about highlighting the rights of homosexuals...Great to see the College Republicans are a respectful bunch.
In all actuality, this is the first time that I have a chance to see someone speak that is regularly discussed in the parts of the blogosophere that I read, and that's why I want to go. The blogosphere too often has an otherworldly quality to it and I'd like to see something physical of it, even if it is a douchebag.
Not surprisingly, this visit and that of the political diahreha spewer behind "Michael Moore Hates America" to BGSU coincide with "Rainbow Dayz", the week about highlighting the rights of homosexuals...Great to see the College Republicans are a respectful bunch.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Moving More Stuff Over
I decided to mirror my posts from the Election 2004 blog I did with Andy aka Dekerd; Modern Politics and You. Now that Andy seems to have found his groove (and actually has, like, readers), and I have this blog, Modern Politics seems to have died. This place, on the other hand, I want to be a sort of journey through my mind (even if no one else ever really sees it) that I can go back and look at someday. So, it makes sense to make copies of that stuff (some of it I consider rather good, if I do say so myself) fo over here.
So, if you see:
"***Originally Posted to Modern Politics and You***"
...That's what that's about.
So, if you see:
"***Originally Posted to Modern Politics and You***"
...That's what that's about.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Pass Stupid Laws, Get Stupid Rulings
As you may or may not know, last November Ohio's esteemed population of bigots passed a poorly written abomination of an ammendment to the state's constitution to ban gay marriage, or anything that looked remotely like it. People with more than one functioning neuron rightly said at the time that this ammendment was so poorly written and thought out that it would create a mess of unintended consequences.
Those consequences are now occuring. In this case, a judge was forced to rule a domestic violence law cannot be applied in instances where the two people involved in the relationship were unmarried. This is because the domestic violence law defined a "family" as two people living in the same place while the new ammendment says that "This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage." So, gentlemen, it's now only a misdemeanor if you beat your live-in girlfriend, as long as you're not married. That's 6 months in the joint as opposed to 18 months.
Thus, this bigoted anti-homosexuals ammendment not only banned gay marriage but also common sense in the State of Ohio. This is what happens when you let theocrats run your state.
Those consequences are now occuring. In this case, a judge was forced to rule a domestic violence law cannot be applied in instances where the two people involved in the relationship were unmarried. This is because the domestic violence law defined a "family" as two people living in the same place while the new ammendment says that "This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage." So, gentlemen, it's now only a misdemeanor if you beat your live-in girlfriend, as long as you're not married. That's 6 months in the joint as opposed to 18 months.
Thus, this bigoted anti-homosexuals ammendment not only banned gay marriage but also common sense in the State of Ohio. This is what happens when you let theocrats run your state.
I Sincerly Wish I Was Making This Up
Today at lunch I, as I usually do, was scanning up and down the AM band when I happened upon Rush Limbaugh sounding, well I think it can only be described as Savage-esque. It's as if we was he was channeleling some great propagandist of the 20th Century (take your pick). In a nutshell, he was expounding on the Terri Schiavo tragedy and essentially accused "Liberals" of wanting Terri Schaivo to die. That's disgraceful, but not in itself surprising...After that though, it want totally out of control. I'll let the transcript speak for itself:
That, my friends, is just insane. Not that I expect Rush Limbaugh to be sane, but that is just sad.
"...What did this woman ever do to us? What did she do to you? Are you so desirous of being able to kill your spouse one day that you want this to set a precedent? Help me out here. Could it be -- and I suspect this is the real answer -- could it be that you have been so pent up with rage and frustration over the Christians in this country? You just hated the success of The Passion of the Christ. You hated the outpouring of support for that movie, you just despise the red state, hayseed, holy roller crowd that you think is steamrollering the country.
Maybe this is just payback; you want this woman to die because Christian conservatives want her to live, and since you don't like Christian conservatives so much you want them to be disappointed. You want them to find out what it's like to be on the losing side. You want them to find out what it's like to not get away with everything they want just because they're Christians. Is that it? Does it really have nothing to do with Terri Schiavo, does it have solely to do with the fact that you want payback? You're so excited for the Christian conservatives to lose that even if it requires the death of this woman, you'll take it? If that's true, if that's the case, if I have nailed it, and as I say, my liberal friends, I'm on this, I'm on it like white on rice, cold on ice, dots on dice, drugs on Miami Vice."
That, my friends, is just insane. Not that I expect Rush Limbaugh to be sane, but that is just sad.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
JWZ Is Undoubtedly The Man
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems"
-Jamie Zawinski
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Saturday, March 19, 2005
All Ahead Full Suck, Mr. Sulu
Wednesday, I started writing a lengthy post that was going to end up about being how The West Wing has gone from "starting to suck" to "full suck" and how my new beau, Battlestar Galactica is shockingly good for a first year science fiction show. However, before I could finish that post, The West Wing took a total head dive and can now only be described using words usually reserved for excrement while BSG aired an episode that was better West Wing than West Wing. Somewhere, I hope Aaron Sorkin finds that funny.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Catching Up...
Seeing as I haven't posted in two weeks, how about some catching up...
Last month, I totally missed when Eric (aka MaximusFarticus) quoted a forum post I made on the meaning of freedom and democracy. That was cool to see. Thanks, Eric.
In other news, I see that the techno media has finally caught on to the iTunes 4.7.1 sharing restrictions that were introduced in January. Better late than never, I guess. It's sad that companies can slip in bull like that and the media takes so long for them to notice. OTOH, if Microsoft pulled a stunt like that, the media's response time would be measured in minutes. I hope the Shiny Fruit Bastards catch hell for this.
Last month, I totally missed when Eric (aka MaximusFarticus) quoted a forum post I made on the meaning of freedom and democracy. That was cool to see. Thanks, Eric.
In other news, I see that the techno media has finally caught on to the iTunes 4.7.1 sharing restrictions that were introduced in January. Better late than never, I guess. It's sad that companies can slip in bull like that and the media takes so long for them to notice. OTOH, if Microsoft pulled a stunt like that, the media's response time would be measured in minutes. I hope the Shiny Fruit Bastards catch hell for this.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Too Easy A Target
As you may or may not be ware, I listen to a lot of radio. I listen to NPR whenever possible, but since the local public radio station here sucks, I often meander through the AM band during dinner. Usually, this means I spend much of my time avoiding Sean Hannity. Tonight though, the Han-man was playing up the Ward Churchill poo-fest and I wanted to hear that. I've been curious how the VRWC has been covering Churchill, since this is one of the few occasions when they don't actually have to bend/break/manufacture the facts to make a point, since Churchill, being a delusional asshole, has done all of their work by himself.
And so here is the Hanninator just playing audio clips of Ward Churchill. he did far less talking than he usually does, and when he did talk he mainly just repeated whatever stupid thing Ward Churchill said in a silly voice. Here is Ward Churchill doing everything he possibly can to sound exactly like the Red Menace the Right likes to make the Left out to be. Here' s a clue idiots like Churchill in prominent positions: DO NOT MAKE IT EASY FOR THE RIGHT TO FARK YOU UP THE ASS. Free speech is a great thing, but so is thinking about the trash eminating from your mouth before you say something stupid and make Fox News's day. Ward Churchill has made himself a great example for the doofuses who listen to right-wing talk to soothe what little conscience they have left so they can sleep at night. When you're making Sean Hannity's job easier, it may be time to reevaluate your position.
And so here is the Hanninator just playing audio clips of Ward Churchill. he did far less talking than he usually does, and when he did talk he mainly just repeated whatever stupid thing Ward Churchill said in a silly voice. Here is Ward Churchill doing everything he possibly can to sound exactly like the Red Menace the Right likes to make the Left out to be. Here' s a clue idiots like Churchill in prominent positions: DO NOT MAKE IT EASY FOR THE RIGHT TO FARK YOU UP THE ASS. Free speech is a great thing, but so is thinking about the trash eminating from your mouth before you say something stupid and make Fox News's day. Ward Churchill has made himself a great example for the doofuses who listen to right-wing talk to soothe what little conscience they have left so they can sleep at night. When you're making Sean Hannity's job easier, it may be time to reevaluate your position.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Ohio Weather
There are some places on the planet where nature will actually try to kill you on a regular basis. Florida has hurricane season, Kansas has tornado alley. California has earthquakes and mudslides. Thankfully, Ohio is not one of those places. Rather, in Ohio, nature has decided to take a more subtle, far more devious approach. Here, the weather just tries to annoy you to death. I mean, I can take wet poo falling from the sky. I can take high winds. But wet poo falling from the sky and high winds? Now I'm seriously annoyed.
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